Friday, 30 August 2013

How To Add and Update Your Medication List into The Med O’Clock Android Medical App

Consider the number of lists that people have created across the world – just today. People make lists of things they need to do, things they need to get at the grocery store, ingredients for a cake, things needed for a party, and more! There must be billions of lists being created today. Some are important and some are disposed as quickly as they are made.

A person’s list of medications is probably one of the most important lists that can be made. For ill people, having that list, keeping it updated, following the instructions for when to take the medication (i.e. a pill reminder alarm of sorts), and being able to share it with others is critical. That is why the Android medical app Med O’Clock was created.

Med O’Clock is an Android medical app that is your own pill reminder alarm. It lets you add users, such as family members. It lets you add medications – there are drug names available to choose from but you can also add your own medication in an open text field.

Making medication updates is really easy with the android medical app Med O’Clock. Simply go to the app’s main menu and select My Med Clock. Use the ADD button at the top. When at your list of users, the ADD button again, then ADD MEDICATION. A list of suggested medication names is provided. If you don’t find the drug you want to add, use the field ADD MEDICATION HERE to type in your specific medication. You will need to hit ADD when you are done typing. And then you are done! You have added a new medication to your Android medical app. And you can set up your pill reminder alarm. Easy!

So if you thought Med O’Clock was an Android medical app that was just a pill reminder alarm, you have not discovered all of the functionality available. The lite version is a free medical app that allows one to have a pill reminder alarm right there on their Android smartphone but also manage lists of medication.

So when you are making or throwing away your next list, think about your list of medications and how important they are your health. Think about how you can manage your list of medications. And how to best set up a pill reminder alarm. And then think about Med O’Clock – the Android medical app.

If you need a pill reminder alarm, get the Android medical app Med O'clock. Visit us at To learn more about how to update your medication information, go to the Med O’Clock FAQ page:

Friday, 23 August 2013

Waarom een overhemd online kopen verstandig is

Het is een tijd geleden dat u drukke winkelstraten door moest ploegen om eindelijk in de winkel te komen waar u er vervolgens achter zou komen dat de hele winkel vol met mensen stond en hetgeen u zocht al een week uitverkocht was. Het vergelijken van aanbieders was al een dagtaak op zich met het constant rond moeten lopen of rijden om de afstanden te overbruggen, en eenmaal bij de laatste in rij aangekomen was u al lang weer vergeten wat de prijzen en de kwaliteit bij de eerste aanbieder waren. Dan nog niet eens te spreken over het passen van een overhemd dat al tweehonderd mensen voor u aan hebben geprobeerd, hetgeen de kwaliteit en de geur zeker niet ten goede komt. Allemaal problematiek van de vorige eeuw, want tegenwoordig kunt u gemakkelijk vanuit huis, vanuit uw eigen stoel met een lekker kopje koffie, in een webwinkel rustig de specificaties en de prijzen bekijken, om vervolgens tot een keuze te kunnen komen. Een stuk makkelijker, goedkoper, sneller en 'iets kopen omdat u er dan maar vanaf bent' is er ook niet meer bij. Het tijdperk van de consument is aangebroken, zeker wanneer het kleding online kopen betreft.

Een overhemd online kopen is niet alleen gemakkelijk, het is tegenwoordig ook nog eens helemaal veilig en de betalingsmanieren zijn meestal zeer toereikend, zodat u nooit meer problemen aan de kassa hoeft te hebben. U bekijkt eenvoudig de verschillende modellen en pasvormen van de overhemden online, waarbij vaak genoeg foto's beschikbaar zijn van de kleuren en vormen van de verschillende producten. Op deze manier kunt u rustig winkelen zonder dat u gestoord wordt of moeilijk bij de producten kunt. En hier kunt u ook nog eens genieten van het gebruiksgemak van de webwinkel zelf; alle producten zijn van goede kwaliteit en tegen goede prijzen, met een gemakkelijke navigatie ook nog!Clic here

Daarom koop u een overhemd online


Een overhemd online kopen zorgt dat u de garantie heeft dat er geen wachtrij is en dat u gemakkelijk alle informatie kunt vinden over de overhemden waarin u geïnteresseerd bent. U hoeft niet langer kilometers te maken en alles wordt lekker makkelijk thuis geleverd! Hoeveel makkelijker kunnen we het u nog maken?


We are in the age of fashion, and we need to follow the time. So, being trendy in fashion is what the time is demanding. Talking about being fashionable and desire to look your best is not just a women’s desire but men’s also have the urge to look best or we can say perfect on their wedding day. Today men’s are also conscious about their dressing and the way they look and present themselves.

Wedding suits for that very special day in a groom’s life has to be more important. Wedding in any religion or in any corner of the world involves many ceremonies, trying rituals so, a wedding suit should not only be attractive, but it should be comfortable and soothing. Fabric has to be checked and groom needs to be assured that it is making him feel comfortable before picking up any fabric for mens wedding suits finally. If you are not feeling peaceful inside you cant pretend to be outside. Your expression or your frustration will find a way to express your agony and that will create a blunder on the most important day. mens suits online, Therefore, choosing the right fabric is necessary and has to be looked at first. For choosing the right fabric, we need to keep the whether in mind as for the time of summers nothing but cotton is the best option and for wedding in winter nothing works more delightfully than woolen. Comfort of groom or bride must be first priority.

Perfect fitting suits are the cherry on the cake. It will not only add extra glow to your look but your persona will be more splendid. Custom made suits often serves the purpose as they suits the body demand and fulfill fashion quotient as well. Ideal look of suit must have the sleeves reaching the wrist and allowing the cuff of the shirt to peep a little.Reach Us

Wedding day is a day that will bind two people for a lifetime so why not reflecting this bond in your wedding clothes. Wearing symmetric synchronized clothes will make the togetherness bond tie up and look more amiable. The couple should make an effort to synchronize their clothes for the wedding. Groom should opt for suit that compliments his bride’s dress it will be a good gesture. They will not to perform the rituals to be together but will look more bonded.  Second thing to be kept in mind is that the groom should opt for suits that not just have symmetry with the bride’s dress but it also enhances his overall personality. Sharkskin blue, multicolored Bollywood wedding suits, navy suits and check patterns are the latest trends in men’s fashionable suiting material.

The seller should be enquired about the material and about its fitting, clear all your small and big doubts. Choose the best so that you can feel the pleasure of that pleasurable day. At the end what matters is your satisfaction and how remarkably memorable your suit can make your wedding day.  

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Repairing Your Windshield: Calgary Offers You Choices That Won't Break Your Budget

If you have ever owned an automobile, chances are that you've experienced the pains of having a rock fly directly into your windshield. While driving, your windshield provides protection to keep both you and your passengers’ safe, and as such, it is a vital part of your automobile. So, what are you to do when your windshield gets a crack – or worse, it breaks completely – and needs replacing? If you are eager to get back out on the road, then repairing your windshield should take precedence. Luckily, if you are looking for a place to fix your windshield calgary offers a variety of automobile and glass repair shops from which to choose.

What Should I do for a Crack in my Windshield?

It is not uncommon for a windshield to become cracked; many drivers don't feel an impending need to get it replaced. As long as it is not blocking your field of vision, you may ignore the chip or crack indefinitely. However, windshield glass constricts and expands depending on the temperature. This means that a windshield crack is likely to spread if not repaired without letting too much time pass. Before the elements turn that small chip into a large crack, contact a repair shop that can fix that windshield calgary has many such repair shops, so you'll be able to choose the place that best suits your needs. Fixing a windshield is not cheap, but you'll find that most automobile insurance plans cover a certain number of windshield repairs per year. Should you let that chip turn into a crack, there is a good chance that you'll be paying for a replacement windshield out-of-pocket. Check with your local repair shops for windshields in Calgary in order to find a place that not only offers great service, but also does so at an affordable price.

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Kunststoff Paletten und Boxen für jede Art von Transport

Ob Sie nun planen in einer Küche haufenweise Nahrungsmittel zu stapeln, oder im Lager die Sachen und Geräte einräumen wollen, die Kunststoff Paletten eigen sich für fast jeden Anlass.

Vorteile der Kunstoff Paletten und Boxen

Sie sind flexibel und gut anpassbar, nehmen wenig Platz ein und sind sehr strapazierfähig. Die Boxen sind meist aus Kunststoff, können aber auch aus Holz sein. Sie dienen zum Transport verschiedener Inhalte auf kurze oder lange Strecken.

Auβer ihrer Funktionalität, bieten die Boxen aus Kunststoff auch optisch viele Vorteile. Sie sind leicht in jedem Raum versteckbar und liegen nicht im Weg. Sie sind farblich mit Ihrem Raum auszugleichen und können diskret in der Ecke verstaut werden, ohne dabei aufdringlich zu wirken.

Gröβe und Dimensionen

Die Kunststoff Paletten sind einklappbar und können zusammengestellt einen groβen Container bilden, der sich wunderbar zu einem langen Transport eignet. Sie können beim Einklappen eine Gröβe von 160 cm (mit den Industriepaletten) oder 140 (mit den Eurosize Paletten) bilden. Das reicht vollkommen aus, um Ihre Sachen sicher zu lagern oder zu transportieren. Schüttgutbehälter
Aus den einzelnen Paletten lassen sich verschiedene Modelle bauen je nach Ihren persönlichen Bedarf.

Auch als interne Verstauungsmöglichkeit werden die Kunststoff Paletten sehr oft genutzt. Sie sind ein beliebtes Mittel in groβen Lagerhallen, um Arbeitsgeräte oder verschiedene Produkte zu sortieren. Diese Art von Boxen sind oft beweglich auf kleinen starken Rollen, um den Transport der einzelnen Boxen ohne Ausräumen der Sachen zu ermöglichen.
Faltbare Paletten Boxen

Faltbare Paletten-Boxen sind meist aus Kunststoff und sind bei richtiger Stapelung mit bis zu 4 oder 5 Tonnen belastbar. Die Boxen bestehen aus 4 hochwertig ausgearbeiteten Auβenwänden, die sich leicht ausklappen lassen und einfach verstaut werden können. Die faltbaren Paletten Boxen aus Kunststoff können auch nach Maβ angefertigt werden und sind damit für jeden Transport vorteilhaft. 

Friday, 9 August 2013

An Informed Perspective on Mughal Miniature Paintings

The Mughals are associated with grandeur and a fine sense of aestheticism due to their immense contribution to the socio-cultural and political heritage of the Indian Subcontinent. India has been the land of extensive arts and culture and boasts of a rich cultural inheritance, which gives the land much of its vigor and fervor.

While the Mughals fostered a love for the Indian soil and sought to establish their rule over the entire land, the Mughals were gracious patrons of art and architecture. The Mughal art is an important school in the landscapes of Indian Painting, as they developed a new style of painting, which brought the varied cultures and traditions of the landscape, thus lending it uniqueness and a splendid variety. This school has come to be known as Mughal Miniature Paintings, and borrows heavily from the Rajpuatana, Kangra, Safavid, Islamic, and Persian schools of art. The diversity of the Mughal art has made it inseparable from the canvas of Indian Miniature Paintings.

Mughal miniature painting
Mughal miniature painting
The subjects of Mughal miniatures boast of a variety so unique to the Mughal Miniature Paintings, with subjects from battle scenes to the scenes of lovers, thus displaying a variety so particularly unique to Mughal Miniature Paintings. Miniatures found their way into the Indian subcontinent through Humayun and the artists who accompanied him from the Safavid Empire, Mir Sayyid Ali, and Abdus Samad. The paintings acquired a vision and a motive during the reign of Akbar, Jahangir, and Shah Jahan and became important chronicles, which open up the royal life of medieval India to modern day scholars like nothing else.

The Mughal artists breathed life into the paper miniatures in the ateliers of the Mughal palace. The palace was the hub of several activities, and thus, proved to be a good subject for Mughal miniatures. It is interesting to note that Mughal miniatures were an expression of power, as they documented the aristocracy and the royal household. The common subjects hardly find a detailed representation in the miniatures, and are usually featureless in their depiction. Additionally, the Mughal miniature paintings never present a critique of the Mughal administration or governance, thus, they can be understood as only partial accounts of the era under the Mughals. Albeit they cannot be taken to be reliable testimonies of the time, owing to their focus on the royal family, in general, and on the king in particular, they still hold a special place within archeological studies in order to understand the courtly proceedings and the life of the rulers.

antique miniature painting
antique miniature painting

The antique miniature paintings, which have survived the tides of time, speak through the bright colors and patterns, which are unique to the artists of the Mughal era. As much as the Mughal emperors were enamored by the indigenous traditions of painting, they were as much curious about the epics, myths and legends of the lands, which went on to be included in the wide spectrum of subject of the Mughal miniature paintings!

The Mughal emperor Akbar became the first patron, who encouraged an inclusion of scenes from the life of Krishna, Mahabharata, and Ramayana in the miniatures. Choice of such subjects also encouraged several folk traditions like Rajpuatana to contribute vigorously to the Mughal school of Miniature Paintings.

The Mughal miniature paintings are a testimony to the splendor of the Indian subcontinent, and articulates the glory in an unprecedented manner. While one can understand them as chronicles of power, their beauty and precision surpasses all criticism, thus allowing them to be adored by modern scholars, irrespective of their allegiance with the noble strata of the society.